1 /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2  + DuoD
3  + Duo asset management integration
4  +
5  + Authors: Taylor "Nekroze" Lawson, <tlawson@nekroze.com>
6  + License: MIT
7  + Copyright: 2015, Taylor Lawson
8  + History:
9  +      v1.2.0 - Added RequireMin template for explicit minification.
10  +      v1.1.0 - Corrected issue with diet template integration.
11  +      v1.0.0 - Implemented a template based asset pipeline.
12  +      v0.0.0 - Fleshing out basic implementations and API.
13  +/
14 module duod;
15 public import duod.pipeline : Require, RequireMin;